Class 12 RD Sharma Solutions – Chapter 29 The Plane – Exercise 29.15 | Set 1
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Staffing : Meaning, Definition, Features and Importance
Staffing is that part of management concerned with obtaining, utilizing, and maintaining capable people to fill all positions in the organization from top level to bottom level. It involves the scientific and systematic procurement, allocation, utilization, conservation, and development of human resources. It is the art of acquiring, developing, and maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied workforce. Staffing is that function by which a manager builds an organization through the recruitment, selection, and development of the individual, which also includes a series of activities. It ensures that the organization has the right number of people and the right kind of people at the right places, at the right time, and performing the right thing....
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Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Organic substances are divided into three categories: alcohol, phenol, and ether. These compounds have a wide range of industrial and home uses. Alcohol is formed when the hydroxyl (-OH) group binds to a saturated carbon atom. Ether is formed when alcohol is dehydrated. Based on the hydroxyl group, there are three kinds of alcohol: monohydric, dihydric, and trihydric....
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Computerised Accounting System
A computerised accounting system is an accounting information system that records and analyses financial transactions and events as per Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to produce reports as per user requirements. An accounting system either manual or computerised has two aspects. It should work under well-defined accounting principles and there should be a user-defined framework for the maintenance of records and preparation of reports. In a computerised accounting system, the structure of storage and processing of data is called an operating environment which includes hardware as well as software in which the accounting system works....
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Problems of Indian Agriculture| Class 12 Geography Notes
The Indian agricultural sector faces a range of challenges, including natural factors, technological limitations, institutional constraints, economic pressures, and social barriers. These factors have collectively impeded the transformation and sustainable development of the agricultural landscape in the country....
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Growth of Population & Regional Variation| Class 12 Geography Notes
Growth of Population & Regional Variation Class 12 Geography Notes: Geography Class 12 Notes is an important subject in the Social Science curriculum that requires students to have a thorough understanding of the Population, Agriculture, and human activities....
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Chapter 5 François Bernier| Class 12 History Notes
Francois Bernier was a Frenchman, a doctor, a political philosopher, and a historian. He came to the Mughal court in search of opportunities. He was in India for twelve years from 1656 to 1668. He was closely associated with the Mughal court as a physician to Prince Dara Shukoh, the eldest son of Shah Jahan....
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Dry Cell
Dry Cell is a portable electrochemical cell invented by German scientist Carl Gassner in 1888. Unlike traditional wet cells, a dry cell features a paste or gel-like electrolyte, eliminating the risk of leakage and enhancing portability. It is commonly used in household essentials such as flashlights and remote controls. Dry Cells are reliable and convenient energy storage devices....
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Cultural Consequences| Class 12 Political Science Notes
Globalisation has cultural consequences as it influences our daily lives, shapes and our preferences, choices, and cultural identities. While globalization brings the spread of Western culture and consumerism, it also promotes cultural exchange and adaptation. However, this interchange isn’t without its challenges; there’s a risk of cultural homogenization impacting traditional practices. Globalization also offers the opportunity for cultural hybridization, where diverse cultures blend to create unique expressions....
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Urban Waste Disposal| Class 12 Geography Notes
Urban Waste Disposal is a subpart of the Class 12 Geography Chapter 9 which is Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems. The subpart of Urban Waste Disposal discusses the type of waste and its treatment processes for a safe environment. The urban areas are the major hub of the development of a country but there are so many problems related to the increased amount of waste. So it is important to process those waste materials. Urban waste is a type of waste which are collected from different cities and towns in solid or liquid forms. These wastes can be divided further as hazardous and non-hazardous....
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Types of Farming| Class 12 Geography Notes
Farming in India is as diverse as its landscapes and climates. In India, how farmers grow their crops can differ, often depending on one key factor: water. The availability of water shapes the types of farming practices used. Based on the main source of moisture for crops, farming can be classified as irrigated and rainfed (barani). In this article, you will get detailed notes on Types of Farming from Chapter 3 of your Geography textbook....
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Women in Agrarian Society| Class 12 History Notes
Rural women play a central role in shaping the socio-economic and environmental land of New India. Here are some key points to acknowledge....
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